Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hope you would have read my earlier blogs on finance or the need of wealth creation by plan. If not, do take some time to understand why you need those...

While you need to plan your finance, you also need to rejuvenate yourself by holidays. Now saying this, quality what we are going to get is based on the price what we pay for it. The better the quality, the higher the price, however remember while higher the price does not guarantee you a better quality. So, why do you want to buy a product where there is a quality compromise?

Some years ago, while few companies were producing goods in quantity and making profits, few others realised the products that others had produced, where not reliable in the long run. So they created their own standards for higher reliability compared to the existing products which later due to mass acceptance by consumers became a benchmark for other similar products and thus the birth of quality.

Using the benchmarks, that they had created, these companies developed a strategy called BRAND BUILDING, which let the wide acceptance of re-defining Quality as BRAND.

In today's market scenario, if you buy a particular brand, by default you feel that you will have the best quality.

My question is: are you 100% sure that the hard earned you spend, do you really get the quality? If so, then why there are so many upgrades or so many versions available out there?

    Remember, every product has shelf life that might be 1 day to 20 years. What I mean, every product you buy has an end or change required. If not today, it might be required, tomorrow.

So, why do you want to get the best quality, when you know that after few days it won't be the best?

We need to learn to compromise, else we will always get into the frustration level with the products they come around and go. Products can be changed or bought, peace of mind & happiness can never be.

Compromises are one of human's best features that make them to learn to live, with what we have. Some will argue that if we started comprising there won't be better quality available.

If you see any product in today's market say from basic phones to smart phones, from bikes to high end cars, from flats to villas, the manufacturer had built them with compromises which are inbuilt with them somewhere or the other.

By compromising, you are not losing anything, but gaining an experience of learning to spend on what you need at that instant with a purpose instead of going by the brands or best which will be replaced tomorrow, because you will be there tomorrow to experience it for much better product.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Do we need Holidays?

When I thought about this topic, I felt, probably it not necessary as most of people get a minimum of 1 day to a 3 day off from their work, depending upon the nature & industry they work in.

To be practical, these are not holidays but these are off's from your regular work, so that you can get some rest from the morning rushes, meetings, deadlines etc….

You are just switching off [however your mind is in pause mood] to resume your work on a Monday but you are still on as you need to cater yourself to your family, probably half minded, as you have your next week work load in your mind!

When I meant Holiday, it means you need to off from your work, family & friends far away, probably with your loved one, where you can enjoy and give some time for yourself & your loved ones a thought!

Holidays are something that TRANSFORMS your LIFE to a different one. It gives you the energy, time and mind to review what you have planned for and what you can achieve further ahead of.

What are the benefits of a holiday?

  1. It refreshes your mind & body
  2. It further bonds you with your family / loved ones
  3. It improves your self-confidence
  4. It gives new ideas to explore

There are so many other benefits which can be listed …however that needs to felt while doing it!

Now, coming to drawbacks…

  1. You need to plan it for your stay, travel & food.
  2. You need to budget your holiday within your financial limitations

Taking off or away from duty is not important, you should be away from your city or place or home where you regularly stay.

Recommendations: Take holiday for a span of 3 to 5 days, twice a year.